An Introduction

 Hey! Welcome! If you’re new here, so am I. This blog was created like 10 years ago, and I’m only just now doing anything with it. Mostly, because I forgot I even had one. I’m guessing I just wanted to skulk around in other people’s blogs. 

Anyway, my name is Sarah. I am obsessed with Halloween, horror, and all things spooky. If you stick around, you will probably read a lot about that, as well as any other obsessions I have. I’m not going to limit myself here, haha. Also, I love music. I have extremely eclectic tastes, and I like to tell people what I’m listening to. Whether they care or not. I used to be huge into Livejournal, and MySpace, where that was a normal thing to do. 


Yeah, I really should have done my waterline. 


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